Sunday, 12 July 2015


An efficient leader is defined as a person who is followed by the others. Besides that, a leader has to know about the human nature, and be able to direct people reducing the group's doubts about succeeding. Some people believe that a leader is born that way and there is no way, practicing or studying, to create a leader. They are wrong because inside of each and every one of us there is a leader waiting to be awake and holding on an opportunity to come out. A leader is capable of influencing and inspiring the people around him to voluntarily commit towards accomplishing a certain goal. There are different types of leadership people who specialize in trying to understand this important phenomenon. The only kind of leadership in which a person communicates true self are by way resonates with other people. This behavior is highly individual and situational for both the leader and follower and therefore there are a huge variety of ways in which effective leadership occurs. On top of that, when we think about the characteristic of a leader, we often think of leaders that are dynamic, which makes each of us to follow. We could take an example, such as Hitler. He did not have the values that we should follow, but he had that inspiration for the country to follow. If we also stop to think about the leaders today, we do not get the same vision of a leader that has a dynamism that is hard to resist, but rather a leader that has a good quality. The characteristics of a leader are not behaviors that will be new to those that strive to master them. Developing a good leadership skills take time, just like perfecting an idea or delivering on a project. Without an investment of time, very few people will have the skills to become the great leaders. Thus, there are many types of characteristic of being a good and efficient leader. A good leader is confident in doing everything. In order to lead and set direction a leader needs to appear confidently as a person and in the leadership role so that this person inspires confidence in others and brings out the trust and best efforts of the team to complete their work well. A leader who conveys confidence towards the proposed objective inspires the best effort from team members. Believing in their abilities is an essential way of a good leader. The next character of an efficient and good leader is responsible leader. A leader influences people and has a lot of power to move his team and followers. An irresponsible leader can create a disaster if he does not act responsibly. A leader must know that he is responsible for the team's achievements. If his team fails, he must have the courage of taking responsibility for that, and should then take steps to solve it. He also should not blame his team members unnecessarily if they have failed. Honesty is also one of the characters of an efficient and good leader. People nowadays want to trust their leader. The best way to gain trust in a leader is through the honest and trustworthy. In order to gain that attribute of honesty, you must go out of your way to display that honesty as an individual. When you don't admit that something didn't work, you are making a mistake. When you are honest you turn into an influence to other people. A good leader, as well as keeping the main goal in focus, is able to think analytically. Not only does a good leader view a situation as a whole, but is able to break it down into sub parts for closer inspection. While keeping the goal in view, a good leader can break it down into manageable steps and make progress towards it. No one likes a slack leader. It goes without saying that the best performer or the person who is most passionate and committed should be made the leader. This ensures that a level of professionalism is maintained, and that no one starts taking it easy at any point in time. It's easy to get carried away with a position of power, so the best leaders are those who use their power for the betterment of everyone, not abuse their power for their own personal betterment. Furthermore, effective communication is also one of the characteristic of a good and efficient leader. He should be able to put across what needs to be done and how. At the same time, he should be willing to accept relevant suggestions from his subordinates. He should have the ability to listen, question, analyze and observe effectively. He should believe that actions speak louder than words. A leader who constantly changes his or her tune will confuse the team members and this will lower their productivity. A leader must therefore be consistent in his actions, his words, and in his thoughts as well. Leaders who are biased never make good leaders, so he should be completely neutral and should display consistency that amazes everyone. Thus, an efficient and good leader must also know how to co -operate with his team. He should get to know his team members should not appear as an overly strict and rigid personality. Finally as a good and efficient leader, a leader must have passion. They should not make the necessary courageous and difficult decisions and carry them into action. So, the people around the world should give respect for all the leaders. Thus, we also should encourage the leaders by giving importance to them and also become their followers.
Qualities of a successful person
I have seen so many people struggle in life to succeed. They do everything possible to be a successful person. For them, success depends only on the amount of hard work they can put into their work. Besides that, a successful person is somebody who has been able to start a project and see it to the end and should also have guided quiet a number of people to bring their own projects to completion. A successful person also who is able to achieve an aim, fame, wealth or social position. Thus, there are some qualities that I feel justified in calling an individual a successful person. The first qualities that I found in a successful person are they work on themselves and never quit. Most of the successful people work on their personality, their leadership skills, management skills, and every other detail of life. When a relationship or business deal goes sour, they assume they can learn from it and they expect to do better next time. Successful people don't tolerate flaws and they fix themselves in a position. Besides that, they are self -reliant and take responsibility in their work. Successful person they don't worry about blame, and they don't waste time complaining. They make decisions and move on. Sometimes they are criticized for taking this to extremes. Extremely successful person take the initiative and accept the responsibilities of success. The next qualities of a successful person are they know how to separate what is important and what is not important. We have so many decisions to make every day. We sometimes lose our mind of what day it is because of the number of things that we think about every day. When we are able to separate what is important from what is not, we will find ourselves accomplishing the goals more fast and find ourselves doing more of what we want to do rather than things we have to do. On top of that, they also make decisions and take action. Either it is right or wrong action, they do accept it. Successful person are also an open minded and are willing to learn. They take the time to study and learn what is necessary to improve their skills. They are open to thoughts, suggestions, solutions, new information and change rather than thinking they already know everything, that there is nothing much to learn. They are also a positive person. Successful people don't let negative events alter their ego. They see the glass half full and not half empty. They are known as the ones who raise the costiveness among others. Those around them want to stay with them because they make them feel better. Furthermore, they never criticize others and never complain about others. Successful people don't criticize others when they are not listening, because otherwise people among them will recognize them as persons who tend to talk behind others. Everyone is able to complain about things. Bad things happen and complaining about them it's not a good solution to stop them to happen. If they're wrong, they are admitting to be wrong as a sign of superiority, and that's what successful people do. Trustworthy are also plays important roles for a successful person. We have know that ourselves clearly and trust ourselves at all situation. And at the meanwhile, don't forget to improve ourselves from work, books and others. We also need to focus on what we want and focus on our goal and know what we want in detail. Successful person are also leaders and thinkers. They don't follow the pack. They are innovative and quick to offer solutions when an issue arises. They are very fast-thinkers. Successful people read books a lot. Books that will help them get ahead, become motivated, and improve their lives. They know that college or university is not the end of their learning. It may just be the beginning. Besides, successful person also is a good thinker. They solve problems, they never lack ideas for building an organization, and they always have hope for a better future. Good thinkers rarely find themselves at the mercy of ruthless people who would take advantage of them or try to deceive them. They also rule themselves under an oppressive ruler or in other difficult circumstances. Successful people are the best time managers. They carefully check out the time frame within which they have to achieve their objectives. No matter what comes in their way, they do not stop from sticking to these timelines. Either it's their family, friends or commitments they do not compromise on their schedule and will manage in completing all planned activities within the time planned. They precaution not to be interrupted and if such circumstances arise, they go ahead with what they had originally planned. This shows that they are focused in accomplishing great tasks. The next qualities of a successful person are how the goal is or the route to achieving it, they never give up. They face every obstacle head on. Success is everywhere. People who earn their respect and reputation are successful, and people can reach their goal by their endeavor are also successful. Success is a happiness of every one's life.

Thus, these are the qualities that I feel justified in calling an individual as a successful person.

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